Register for the contest
المسابقة الحالية قد بدأت بالفعل، سوف تنتهى فى January 24, 2025. يمكنك التسجيل فى المسابقة التالية التى ستعقد فى الفترة من January 27, 2025 إلى February 7, 2025.* التسجيل فى المسابقة التالية ينتهى قبل ساعة من بداية المسابقة.
*The contest is held by the terminal time
Free participation
The Contest is held within two weeks from 00:00 Monday to 23:59:59(terminal time) Friday
Leverage is 1:500
Initial deposit of $30,000 is equal for all participants and cannot be changed
The prize pool of each Contest step amounts to $3,000
You can register for the next step during the current contest step. Registration finishes 1 (one) hour before the contest starts
The minimum trade size is 0.01 lot, the maximum is 1 lot
The resulting data is recorded at 12:00 GMT+3 on Saturday