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The new tensions between the US and China affected the Australian dollar, on the other hand, the decline in US bond yields undermined the US dollar, which helped limit the losses of the Australian. Investors should now wait for US retail sales data to understand the direction of the pair. While AUD/USD is kept near the level of 0.6725. In general, the pair remains under pressure, as it has been for the last three sessions amid new uncertainty caused by the trade conflict. New signs of tension between the world's two largest economies, after China criticized new US legislation as "supporting pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong," weakened investors' appetite for riskier assets and the prospect of an early settlement of a protracted trade dispute. This will be a key factor in putting downward pressure on the Australian dollar.
Meanwhile, the continued fall in US Treasury yields keeps dollar bulls on the defensive and helps limit more severe losses, and even helped the pair bounce back from daily lows. However, it is difficult to say whether the pair will be able to benefit from this or remain depressed. The answer to this question will give monthly data on retail sales in the United States.
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