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ИнстаФорекс. Горд съм да работя за вас!
Актьор, шампион на UFC 6 турнира и истински герой!
Човекът, който изгради себе си. Човекът, който върви по пътя ни.
Тайната зад успеха на Тактаров е постоянно движение към целта.
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Откривайте, опитвайте, проваляйте се - но никога не спирайте!
ИнстаФорекс. Вашата успешна история започва тук!
The second round of Ukrane Mix Fight Cup among professionals was held on July 10 in Sevastopol. The tournament took place at the Horosho international entertainment complex on the Black Sea shore. Fresh Crimean air of the most beautiful place of Sevastopol must have helped athletes to show their mettle: 90% of all the battles were won before the end. All fighting techniques were there, from choke and compression holds to knockouts. The tournament results are as follows.
We should remind you that the Ukranian Cup first round was held at Simferopol Circus on April 15. The tough fights determined first semifinalists: Andrey Prizyuk (70 kg), Taras Sapa (77 kg), Aleksandr Voytenko and Sergey Churilov (84 kg), Vladimir Nikolaev and Yuriy Pilipchuk (93 kg), Igor Slyusarchuk and Viktor Matviychuk (over 93 kg). Almost all matchups of the semifinal round have already been defined:
You will find photo and video reports of the second round of Ukranian Grand Mix Fight & ProFC 2011 Cup on our website soon.