
23.12.202123:23 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Donald Trump believes that the dollar is and should remain the world currency in the future, and Bitcoin is a financial pyramid and the fruit of the work of some scammer who was called Satoshi Nakamoto

Exchange Rates 23.12.2021 analysis

The odious former president of the United States of America, billionaire Donald Trump, recently spoke about cryptocurrencies on the famous Fox Business channel. Trump shared his views on the cryptocurrency market, its prospects, as well as the NFT sphere.

Trump said in an interview with Fox Business channel that the cryptocurrency market will also not be as smooth as fiat. The global economy will observe significant rollercoasters in the cryptocurrency market and this is irreversible.

Trump compares such roller coasters that occur in the cryptocurrency market, as well as possible cryptocurrency drops with the big technological bubble of the 2000s.

Trump himself is not an ardent supporter of cryptocurrencies and he has never hidden it. Trump is an adherent of the old school and fiat funds. He has always had dollars exclusively in his portfolio, and therefore he believes that the dollar will always remain the world currency unit.

The former president believes that the cryptocurrency market is a very dangerous thing, something like a powder keg that can explode at any moment, thereby leaving the owners of cryptocurrencies penniless.

Also, Trump does not like an overly strong pump and hype. He believes that people should not get into loans, as well as sell their last things and savings to buy some kind of hype cryptocurrency, and then in case of its collapse or collapse to be left with nothing.

Trump believes that the dollar is and should remain the world currency in the future, and bitcoin is a financial pyramid and the fruit of the work of some fraudster, who was called Satoshi Nakamoto.

Trump also said that his wife Melania Trump will launch her own NFT platform to help children in need who have left the foster care program.

The main goal of this Melania Trump NFT platform is to provide computer technology skills, in particular software development and programming skills.

All proceeds from this platform will go exclusively to help children who will leave the foster family. Trump complained that his wife is a little more inclined to understand the digitalized crypto market and she gets along well with NFT.


Vitaly Kolesnikov,
Analytical expert of InstaSpot
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