08 Jan 2025 22:59
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Aurora Cannabis Inc. is a Canadian medical cannabis producer. In 2014, the firm was licensed to sell self-grown cannabis for various medical purposes. Producing over 500 kg of cannabis annually, Aurora Cannabis Inc. is the world’s second-largest firm in this field by market capitalization.
Demand for cannabis has grown significantly since 2018 when Canada legalized cannabis for recreational purposes. Aurora Cannabis Inc. has been ramping up production capacity to meet growing demand since then.
The firm’s market capitalization currently totals $382.72 million. Its revenue reached CAD$245.25 million in 2021 and CAD$221.34 million in the first six months of 2022.
The company has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since October 2021 under the ACB ticker.
The value of ACB is relatively low. The firm’s shares are currently trading at around $6. At some point, the price soared to $12 in the wake of an increase in demand for cannabis in Canada. With time, the price settled in the range of $5 to $7 and has not traded above this mark since.
The asset is rather stable in value and hardly ever fluctuates. Fundamental analysis shows that it may well be considered an investment instrument.
Currently, the company does not pay dividends to shareholders as it uses spare funds for its production capacity expansion.
When trading the company’s stock, you should pay attention to the following factors: