22 Jan 2025 20:19
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AUD/CHF is a cross rate of the Australian dollar to the Swiss franc. In comparison with majors, this instrument is of a quite low liquidity.
When forecasting the trend of the AUD/CHF instrument, the main economic indicators of the USA should be taken into account, because each currency of this pair is influenced considerably by USD. Such indicators include, for example, the GDP level, unemployment rate, discount rate, jobs growth, etc.
The currencies can respond to the change of the USD trend with different paces, and because of this, the AUD/CHF currency pair can be serve as some kind of an indicator measuring the pace of the currency rates change. Australia’s dependence on natural resources makes AUD/CHF responsive to the global gold prices.
The swiss franc is one of the world most reliable and stable currencies; it enjoys large confidence. During many years, the Swiss economy remains on a high level – that's why during crisis, CHF becomes a 'save haven' for investor's capitals and rises significantly against other currencies. It is, very likely, the most crucial aspect that should be kept in mind while dealing with the AUD/CHF instrument.