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The AUD/CZK pair is not in high demand among forex traders. This is a cross-rate pair. Thus, a trader buys USD for CZK at the current USD/CZK exchange rate, and buys AUD for dollars at the current AUD/USD exchange rate.
The US dollar has a significant impact on both currencies. So, when trading this instrument, speculators should take into account important US macroeconomic indicators such as GDP, the interest rate, unemployment rate, and labor market figures, etc. Notably, the Australian dollar and Czech koruna react to the release of US economic data at a different speed. This is why the AUD/CZK pair can serve as an indicator of the swings in the rate of both currencies.
Main features. How to trade AUD/CZK
The Czech Republic is one of the most industrially developed countries in Europe as well as one of the most prosperous and stable countries in the euro area. Besides, the country can boast of robust economic growth. This is why its population has a high per capita income.
The Czech Republic is on the list of the world's top car manufacturers. Most of the produced cars are exported. In addition, the country is the main exporter of beer and shoes. The Czech Republic is one of the leaders when it comes to the production of electronics. The country generates electricity in various ways: at nuclear power plants, thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants as well as with the help of solar and wind power plants.
The AUD/CHF pair has rather low liquidity compared to EUR/USD, USD/CHF, GBP/USD, and USD/JPY. Therefore, when analyzing this instrument, it is necessary to focus on the pairs traded against the US dollar.
If you want to start trading cross-rates, please carefully read the trading conditions of your broker. Usually, spreads for these instruments are higher than for the main currency pairs.