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The AUD/ PLN pair is not in high demand among forex traders. This is a cross-rate pair and it means that the exchange rate of the AUD/PLN pair is calculated by reference to a third currency, namely the US dollar. So, when comparing the AUD/USD and USD/PLN charts, we can get a more or less clear picture of AUD/PLN movement.
Features of AUD/PLN
The AUD/PLN pair has rather low liquidity compared to EUR/USD, USD/CHF, GBP/USD, and USD/JPY. That said, this combination can greatly diversify and balance a trader's investment portfolio.
Poland is a developed European country with high living standards. The state's income mainly comes from engineering, metallurgy, chemical industry, coal mining, and shipbuilding, as the country has access to the Baltic Sea.
Poland has been discussing the possibility of introducing the euro for years. However, the government is trying to preserve its own currency, the zloty. It fears that the transition to the euro will cause economic problems. According to experts, the partial loss of sovereignty with the inability to conduct monetary policy will have consequences for Poland. That is why the country's authorities are cautious to take this decision.
How to trade AUD/PLN
The pair has rather low liquidity. Therefore, before making any predictions, it is necessary to focus on those instruments that are quoted against the US dollar or any of the analyzed currencies.
Thus, the US dollar has a significant impact on both currencies. If we take into account such major US economic indicators as an interest rate, GDP, unemployment, and Nonfarm Payrolls, it will be easier to forecast the future movement of the pair.
However, we should keep in mind that each of the currencies in the pair may reflect changes in the US economy at different rates. So, AUD/PLN may be a specific indicator of such changes.
When trading cross-rates, remember that brokers usually set a higher spread on such pairs than on the most popular currency pairs. So, you should carefully study the trading conditions of the broker.
Only a careful analysis will make the AUD/PLN forecast as credible as possible.