03 Jan 2025 22:59
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InstaSpot - hier beginnt die Geschichte Ihrer Siege!
BK are the stocks of the oldest bank in the U.S., founded in 1784. In 1878 the Bank of New York became the depositary of the U.S. Department of the Treasury and started operating government stocks. It was the only financial services company in the country during fifteen years after the moment it had been established.
The Bank of New York was opened with capital of 500,000 in gold and silver bullion. Its current capitalization is about $31.26 million.
A significant event took place in 2007 — the Bank of New York and Mellon Financial merged with and into a newly formed company called BNY Mellon, which became the world’s leading deposit bank.
Today, the core activity of the corporation includes assets management, bonds and wealth management, broker-dealer services, and treasury services. The company has about $25 trillion in assets under custody and more than $1 trillion in assets under management. The company's representative offices operate on five continents, bringing the total number up to 36. The company had revenues of about $539 million in the fourth quarter of 2013, which was 44 cents apiece. But it declined slightly from the previous year. On the other hand, the total assets of the bank rose by 14% and moved up to $1.58 trillion.