23 Jan 2025 01:07
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CADCHF is a low-demand trading instrument with low liquidity. When forecasting with this instrument, you should focus on the pairs that consist of USD and each currency of the pair above, in the first place.
While dealing with CADCHF, main attention should be paid to such currency pairs as EURUSD, GBPUSD and USDJPY for their influence on the rate of national currencies of both Switzerland and Canada.
Canada is one of the greatest oil-exporters; so its currency value depends directly on the world oil prices. Besides, the economy of the country is strongly affected by black gold prices and by raw material cost.
Swiss franc is one of the world’s most reliable and stable currencies; its value soars during crisis. Foreign trade with EU and USA has quite) an impact on the Swiss economy.
The information about the Swiss economic climate is not available for public. Traders pay high attention to rare news from the Swiss National Bank.