08 Jan 2025 22:59
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InstaSpot - hier beginnt die Geschichte Ihrer Siege!
#EBAY stands for the shares of the U.S. company that provides services of online auctions. The company is also engaged in online stores and instant payments. The business includes the eBay.com website and its local versions in some countries, as well as PayPal company and Ebay Interprise.
The main idea of eBay is offering merchants the Internet platform for selling absolutely all kinds of products. The company is an intermediary between a seller and buyer in the process of a deal. Thus the company has nothing to do with payment and delivery of an item. The merchants should pay a fee for using the platform, which includes the charge for placing the item and the rebate for its selling. Buyers use the website without any costs.
eBay profit depends on the sales volume, that is why eBay adheres to very liberal conditions in order to increase sales. One can put up for sale any product or service which does not contradict the law of the branch registration country.
eBay market capitalization is $31.12 billion. In 2013 the annual yield grew from $14.07 billion to $16.05 billion. Net profit also surged by 9% to $2.86 billion, which is $2.18 per unit. In 2014 the company plans to augment its positions, thus the yield is forecast to edge up to $18.5 billion and the profit per one share, to $2.45 respectively.