03 Jan 2025 22:59
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InstaSpot - hier beginnt die Geschichte Ihrer Siege!
FedEx is an American international corporation that provides express mail services (courier service) and parcel delivery services by express mail and logistics networks. The company offers international shipping services to all parts of the world. Nowadays, it is one of the largest logistics corporations with 8 divisions and more than 400,000 employees.
FedEx Corporation’s net profit totals more than $1 billion per year. Shares of FedEx (ticker symbol – FDX) are currently traded on all world exchanges. The company is included in the Fortune 100 rating.
Monitor the FedEx stock quotes in real-time. This will allow you to analyze the equity market and trade stocks at favorable prices. Assess the price dynamics and invest wisely with InstaSpot.
FDX quotes dynamics
Many factors have an impact on share prices, e.g. the most significant ones - political and economic changes in the country. To this end, the shares of FedEx can be called the most volatile ones. In 2019, they could gain or lose between 10% and 15% within a day.
For the first time, the shares reached the historical high on January 1, 2018. The price amounted to $262.4 apiece. A year later, the company’s stocks experienced a sharp drop. On September 1, 2019, its share price was $145.
What affects FedEx stock price?
How to trade FDX
When trading FDX shares, we suggest using such a popular exchange-traded derivative as CFDs (contracts for difference). You just need to open and top up your account, follow the stock price chart, and bet on the upward or downward movement of FDX shares.