31 Dec 2024 22:59
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First Solar, Inc.
First Solar, Inc. is a company that specializes in the production of photovoltaic solar power systems and solar modules. Moreover, First Solar provides maintenance and technical support to the owners of power plants that use solar modules.
The company became known in 1990 under the name of Solar Cells, Inc. In 1999, it was purchased by Michael Ahearn, who gave it the current name of First Solar, Inc. In 2021, First Solar became the second largest company in the world that produces solar batteries. Nowadays, the company employs over 5,000 people.
On the chart, you can see the stock price of First Solar, Inc. for today, one week, one year, and historic readings by years. Monitor the price dynamic and invest with InstaSpot.
Financial status of First Solar, Inc.
Stocks of First Solar, Inc. first entered the NASDAQ market in 2006. They are still traded at this market under the symbol of FSLR. Notably, in 2021, stocks of the company were among the unprofitable ones. The current market capitalization totals $5.77 billion.