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Choosing an asset to invest funds, a prudent investor will take a close look at the shares of successful companies such as Google.
Google is a large corporation and the leading search engine that was established in 1996 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. In 20 years, their project turned into the most expensive and popular brand in the world. Among the key Google projects are Google search, Google Cloud, and Android.
In autumn 2015, all shares of Google were converted to Alphabet's shares.
The corporation issues three types of shares:
In general, investors buy the class-C shares that are traded in the US stock market.
Monitor the shares’ dynamic not to miss the highest and lowest prices and earn with InstaSpot.
Price of Google’s shares
Note how long the dynamic of Google’s stocks remains positive. In the last 10 years, investments in Alphabet brought a twice bigger profit than investments in indices. Of course, the corporation sometimes suffers difficult times when its share price drops. For example, in 2017, the company received a number of large fines from the European Commission. As a result, it lost $3 billion and its share price slid by $4.35.
What determines a rise in Alphabet’s shares?
The price of the company’s shares depends on the following factors:
How to trade Alphabet’s shares
Investors need large funds to purchase the class-A shares. However, the most successful traders choose CFD trading, thus buying a contract for difference in the share price. The main advantage of CFD trading is that traders do not have to buy this highly expensive asset. They can earn on the difference in price having just $100-200 in their accounts. That is why Google’s shares are one of the most appealing assets for trading.