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Illumina Inc. (ILMN) was established in 1998. Having 20-year experience, it develops, creates and introduces the systems for analysis of genetic diversity and biological functions. Illumina specializes in manufacturing products and providing services for sequencing, genotyping and studying genes. Clients of Illumina are centers for genome research, pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies as well as clinical research organizations. Illumina Inc. produces instruments which help to conduct important genetic studies.
One of the latest company’s solutions is the Illumina BeadLab system. It includes various products for gene expression and genetic analysis which involves the DNA microarrays. According to Illumina, sales of the next generation NovaSeq DNA sequencer were high in the first quarter. Illumina develops dynamically in a high-potential biotechnological sphere. DNA sequencing is applied in both scientific field and personalized medicine.
Experts anticipate that this market will expand, and currently the NovaSeq technology is the most advanced one. As the gene therapy is widely used, demand for genome sequencing may increase significantly. In 2014 the company introduced the platform for whole genome sequencing with chemical reagents worth nearly $1,000.
The financial statement of Illumina Inc. for the first quarter of this year revealed rather good results. The company’s performance exceeded expectations due to increasing demand for the DNA sequencing technologies. For the reported period Illumina earned $595 billion. The sale of services rose by 20% and brought a profit of $107 million. The revenue from sales of sequencers, the main product of Illumina, grew by 1.7% to $491 million.
The Illumina shares were placed for the first time 17 years ago, and it was rather successful. Currently, this biotechnological giant develops rapidly on the back of positive news which improves the outlook for the company’s growth. Besides, Illumina NovaSeq, the latest innovative technology of the company, contributes to the business expansion strongly. This technology makes it possible to reduce the cost of genome sequencing by ten times – to $100. In the first quarter of 2017 Illumina has already received 135 orders for NovaSeq.
Experts are sure that Illumina will be able to multiply its revenue with the help of NovaSeq in the longer term, as the DNA sequencing technology will be widely used.
The introduction of non-invasive prenatal testing based on the VeriSeq technology in Europe may boost sales of Illumina products. An expansion of oncology markers database CIViC may also contribute to a rise in sales. Furthermore, the company launched the iHope project which enables low-income families to use the service of genome sequencing.
Some experts estimate that by the end of this year Illumina Inc. may increase its revenue by 10-12% while the GAAP share profit may rise to $5.26-$5.36 for a year. The non-GAAP profit is expected to come in at $3.6-$3.7. Year to date, one share of Illumina appreciated by over 42% to $181.5. The market capitalization of Illumina Inc. reached as high as $26.68 billion. The specifics of the company's operation among other things is that it pursues the razor-razorblade sales strategy which involves selling of both upfront and ongoing products. This method can yield profits on the second-hand market as well.