03 Jan 2025 23:59
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USD/HUF (United States Dollar vs Hungarian Forint)
USD/HUF is not actively traded on Forex. The exchange rate of this instrument was pegged to the euro since its introduction in most countries of the European Union. However, in 2008 the country launched the floating forint rate.
Hungary is a country with high proportion of foreign capital, for this reason, its economy is highly dependent on those organizations that operate within the territory of this Central European state.
Hungary is an advanced industrial country of Central Europe. The Hungary's economy is represented mostly by engineering, metallurgy, and chemical industries. Moreover, agricultural sector, especially gardening and wine making sectors, is also robust. The greater part of the products are exported abroad. Tourism is pivotal to Hungarian economy. Millions of foreigners visit this country annually, attracted by its nature, ancient traditions, and architecture. Hungary's main trading partners are the EU countries and Russia. For this reason, when you try to predict the further course of the Hungarian forint, you should pay the utmost attention to the economic indicators of these regions.
If you trade USD/HUF, you need to consider the dynamics of EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and USD/JPY currency pairs as they can influence the forint greatly indicating the future course of the Hungarian national currency. In addition, monitor the global prices for oil and other minerals vital for the country's economy as they can change the USD/HUF rate.