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USD/JPY currency pair is one of the most popular ones on the foreign exchange market. More than 15% of trades involve this pair. The prevalence of this trading symbol is so high that the trading volume of this pair can be compared with EURUSD.
Since the value of the Japan’s national currency is highly dependent on the U.S. economy and international relations of these two countries, its valuation is a kind of international instrument of influence on the Japanese authorities used by the U.S. leaders, as well as neighboring countries in the East and Southeast Asia.
USD/JPY currency pair is very susceptible to the variety of major political and economic events happening worldwide. For this reason, the price chart for this currency pair is hard to predict. Quite often it goes in the opposite direction relative to any analysis.
It is not recommended for the newcomers to start their trading activity on the currency market with USD/JPY pair. For successful trading on this financial instrument one needs to know a lot of nuances of the price behavior that can greatly affect the future rate.
As the rate of the Japanese yen hinges mainly on the actions of the Japanese authorities, as well as economic climate in the country, it is necessary to mind the factors that have an impact on this instrument.
Ministry of Finance of Japan has a great influence on the national currency. This governmental organization manipulates the economic life of the country thus affecting the rate of the Japanese yen. It should be noted that representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Japan often make unexpected announcements that promptly affect the Japanese yen quotes. This tactic is fairly common for the Japanese authorities, as in such a way they help domestic companies to make more profitable financial operations. Apart from this, Bank of Japan can also affect the yen rate as it enjoys the right to conduct an independent policy.
The discount rate, set by the Bank of Japan to manage the economic situation of the country, is one of the most influential indicators in Japan. In addition to it, investors pay great attention to the state government bonds. Buying and selling government bonds, Bank of Japan regulates a variety of the economic processes in the country, which, in their turn, affect the value of the national currency.
Among other important economic indicators, it is necessary to mention the gross domestic product of Japan, Tankan (report on the state's largest companies in Japan, issued quarterly). The unemployment rate, industrial production, money supply and the level of international trade are of great importance as well.