09 Jan 2025 18:14
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Wells Fargo & Company is the US international banking company with the headquarters in San Francisco, California. It provides diversified financial and insurance services. This bank is the second biggest by capitalization in the world and the third biggest by assets value in the United States. Moreover, Wells Fargo is the second biggest bank by deposits, mortgage and debit cards. The bank’s main office is located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
The company has more than 8,700 branches and about 13,000 ATMs all over the world. The net assets volume of Wells Fargo amounts to a rough number of $905,014 million. The total value of deposits is $1.2 billion while the total cost of securities is $347.56 million.
In 2016 Wells Fargo was ranked the seventh in the list of the world’s biggest public companies by the Forbes Global 2000 and became the twenty seventh on the list of the US largest companies by the Fortune 500.
Warren Buffett is a major shareholder of Wells Fargo with a stake of 6.5%.
Wells Fargo & Company owns several large-scale objects including skyscrapers and sports arenas. The bank maintains two ATMs at the McMurdo Antarctic Station. The money in the ATMs, one of which is reserve, is constantly recycled so there is no need to replenish the supply.