22 Jan 2025 21:15
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XAU/USD. Main features Gold can be called the king of the precious metal market. It has remained in demand for many decades. Sometimes the prophets of gloom and doom forecast a sharp fall in gold but these are just predictions. Gold is still the most stable and popular trading instrument. In many countries, gold is still used in settlements. The world's leading countries hold gold bullion in their gold reserves. On this page, you can see the gold spot price in real mode on the London Metal Exchange. Taking into account the US dollar-to-gold ratio, you will be able to grasp whether it is worth investing in this instrument or not. What impacts gold price As a rule, there are several factors that influence the gold price:
- Buy gold coins in banks or from specialized firms. Requirements for coins are extremely high: any chip or dent on the surface of a coin significantly reduces its price. How to invest in gold. Trading on exchange Here are the main ways of investing in gold:
In our opinion, it is wise to invest part of the capital in gold and count on a long-term profit.