22 Jan 2025 17:57
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Palladium is a white precious metal resistant to corrosion and included in the platinum metals group. It is one of the rarest metals on our planet. Palladium is also one of the noble metals.
Russia accounts for almost half of global palladium production, whereas the second part of the world's palladium is dug up by Southern African miners. The price of this precious metal is highly volatile because the palladium market directly depends on production in both countries.
On this webpage, you can find the current palladium price from the London exchange.
History of discovery
A new noble metal was discovered in the summer of 1802 by William Hyde Wollaston. Palladium is named after the asteroid Pallas that was discovered two months earlier. Then, palladium chloride was prescribed as a treatment for tuberculosis.
How to trade palladium
There are several ways to invest in palladium:
Changes in palladium price in last 10 years
Production of palladium is a bit limited and this, in turn, affects its price. During the last 10 years, the metal’s price has been rising. In February 2020, palladium hit its peak, exceeding $2,500. Later, the metal began losing in value amid the coronavirus pandemic. By now, it has recovered as supply slumped in both Russia and South Africa.