Currency converter
23 Jan 2025 22:49
Closing price, the previous day.
Opening price.
The highest price over the last trading day.
The lowest price over the last trading day
Price range high in the last week
Price range low in the last week
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Apple Inc. is the American IT-giant and the most expensive company in the world. Its capitalization exceeds $450 billion and the brand value according to different estimates reaches $98 to $185 billion. The company was established in early 70’s in California by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, and first registered on April 1, 1976. The IPO was launched on December 12, 1980. In total, 4.6 bln securities were sold at the initial cost of $3.6. Until 2004 the share price did not go over $40. However, after the company refocused on the mobile devices, the share price has multiplied by 6 times. Moreover, after the release of the iPad, the shares of Apple Inc. surged to the mark of $700. Now the asset turnover is about 900 billion and the unit price fluctuates around $500.
Apple Inc. share price has been growing by approximately 16.1% for the last three years. The dividend yield equals 2.23% and EPS 42% a year. Cost of securities is directly bound to the quarterly reports and new devices releases. The main income of Apple Inc. is constituted by expanding iPhone sales, which comprise about 67% of gross income. Consequently, the company’s share value is much influenced by the success of new Apple smartphones.