Currency converter
28 Jan 2025 22:59
Closing price, the previous day.
Opening price.
The highest price over the last trading day.
The lowest price over the last trading day
Price range high in the last week
Price range low in the last week
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Halliburton Company (HAL) is an oil field service company. It provides a package of services including exploration of oil fields, processing of the geological survey results, and field development. This corporation also maintains the equipment for oil rigs. The major activity of the company is crude oil and gas production. Halliburton Company renders services to oil and gas companies in over 80 countries. The structure of this organization is complicated with hundreds of subsidiary companies and branches. Being established in 1919, the company has a rich history and has reached huge success and prosperity. This international US company is one of the biggest in the world.
Shares of Halliburton Company are in great demand owing to the company’s specialization. Halliburton masters the technologies of crude oil and gas production.
Six years ago the corporation earned 55% of the consolidated profit on the territory of the United States. In the same year of 2011 Halliburton Company finalized the deal on purchasing Multi-Chem Group, LLC. In August 2012 its subsidiary Landmark Software and Services merged with Petris Technology Inc. Currently, the shares of this company are rising.