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InstaSpot Loprais Team participated in Silk Way Rally 2017.
Silk Way Rally 2017 ran from 7 to 22 of July. The participants of the rally started in Moscow and overcame the route of 9,599 kilometers in length.
Among members of InstaSpot Loprais Team there was Ales Loprais who won a number of prizes in this rally and became the pilot in command. Milan Holan acted as a co-pilot and Khalid Alkendi from the UAE performed a role of a navigator. He has 14-year experience in racing on deserts.
The racing team was striving for victory in a cabin of the evolutionary TATRA Queen 69 ReBorn van. The new car has been substantially upgraded from the previous version. In this endurance competition, the team conquered overflown roads, vast steppes, and hot deserts. Tough conditions and technical failures forces the team get off the track in the Chinese city of Hami after it had successfully passed 9 stages of the race.
The sportsmen are grateful to those who took part in the race and would like to thank clients of InstaSpot who supported the team for the duration of the race.
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