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The Apple (traded under #AAPL symbol) and Tesla (#TSLA) corporations have announced plans to split their shares in proportion 4 to 1 and 5 to 1 correspondingly. In connection with that, we are asking our clients who have open positions on these instruments to take into account the following information:
In the period from the market close on Friday, August 28 to the market opening on Monday, August 31, the orders on #AAPL and #TSLA will be closed and reopened on the following conditions:
#AAPL: all market orders will be closed and new orders of the volume 4 times bigger than the previous ones will be opened at the price 4 times lower than the previous price. At the same time, all pending orders, as well as take-profit and stop-loss orders will be canceled.
#TSLA: all market orders will be closed and new orders of the volume 5 times bigger than the previous ones will be opened at the price 5 times lower than the previous price. At the same time, all pending orders, as well as take-profit and stop-loss orders will be canceled.
Please note that at the market opening on August 31, the quotes of CFDs on #AAPL will be approximately 4 times lower than the closing quotes as of August 28, while #TSLA quotes will be 5 times lower than the previous closing price.
Vers la liste des informations