Il y a maintenant plus de 7 millions de traders dans notre équipe! Chaque jour nous travaillons à améliorer le trading. On s'efforce de vous offrir le meilleur et on obtient les plus beaux succès.
La confiance de millions de traders partout dans le monde est l'évaluation la plus élevée de notre travail!
Vous avez fait votre choix et nous allons faire de notre mieux pour répondre à vos attentes!
Ensemble, nous faisons une super équipe!
InstaSpot est fier de vous servir!
L'acteur, le champion de l'UFC et un vrai bogatyr russe! . Homme qui ne doit sa réussite qu'à lui-même. L'homme qui est sur la même route que nous suivons.
Le secret du succès de Taktarov est le progrès permanent vers la réalisation de son objectif.
Découvrez toutes les facettes de votre talent! Apprenez, essayez, commettez des erreurs, mais ne vous arrêtez pas!
InstaSpot - L'histoire de votre succès commence ici !
At this stage, we are pleased to announce the names of those who won the following interim contests and campaigns by InstaSpot: Chancy Deposit, InstaSpot Sniper, One Million Option, FX-1 Rally, and Trade Wise, Win Device. We salute our champions and wish luck to all participants! Besides, it is a great pleasure to welcome our new contestants!
The promo campaign is held on a monthly basis. At the end of each month, a winner picked at random is awarded a solid cash prize. Let's congratulate the finalists of the two latest stages: Rodrigo Mello Lopes from Brazil and Asam Stepanovich Stepanov from Russia. You can also be among the winners, while carrying on with your trading routine on Forex! Importantly, a different prize amount is raffled every month. So, check the company news and grab a chance!
InstaSpot Sniper requires accuracy, patience, and sharp reaction. At the latest stage, Rommy Asrul ST from Indonesia brilliantly manifested these features. He outpaced all other contestants and clinched a victory. Congratulations! Keep it up! All traders are welcomed to check their precision – register and join! InstaSpot Sniper contest is held every weekly from 00:00 on Monday until 23:59 on Friday.
One Million Option is one of the most popular contests from InstaSpot. It assembles a large number of participants who are longing to test their strong competitive spirit, to feel excitement and adrenaline! People with strong will compete for the title of the best option trader in the hot struggle. Following the results of the contest's regular stage, Evgeny Vladimirovich Yakischenok from Ukraine got the top place. Let us congratulate the victor! Besides, we want to remind you that the One Million Option contest is conducted every week from 00:10 on Monday until 23:50 on Friday.
Gennady Vladimirovich Vagulanov from Uzbekistan and Oleg Nikolaevich Saparkin from Russia showed the best scores in the recent interim stages of the FX-1 Rally contest. Apart from our congratulations, we wish the winners to secure the title of the best racers in further stages. If you want to face the challenge of a trading competition, welcome to the starting line of FX-1 Rally! You can join any stage of the tournament. You can register and join at any stage that is held every Friday from 00:00 until 23:59. Registration is over one hour before the race.
Devices are raffled by InstaSpot as part of a series of campaigns and contests with the total annual prize fund of more than $500,000. You have a chance to get your slice of the money pie, win such sports cars as Ferrari, as well as become one of the owners of a cutting-edge mobile device. Following the results of the last stage, Alexander Leonidovich Fokin became the lucky winner. We are pleased to congratulate the prize owner and remind you that the next stage will be held from November 16 until November 28, 2020.
Good luck!
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