Il y a maintenant plus de 7 millions de traders dans notre équipe! Chaque jour nous travaillons à améliorer le trading. On s'efforce de vous offrir le meilleur et on obtient les plus beaux succès.
La confiance de millions de traders partout dans le monde est l'évaluation la plus élevée de notre travail!
Vous avez fait votre choix et nous allons faire de notre mieux pour répondre à vos attentes!
Ensemble, nous faisons une super équipe!
InstaSpot est fier de vous servir!
L'acteur, le champion de l'UFC et un vrai bogatyr russe! . Homme qui ne doit sa réussite qu'à lui-même. L'homme qui est sur la même route que nous suivons.
Le secret du succès de Taktarov est le progrès permanent vers la réalisation de son objectif.
Découvrez toutes les facettes de votre talent! Apprenez, essayez, commettez des erreurs, mais ne vous arrêtez pas!
InstaSpot - L'histoire de votre succès commence ici !
Our company cherishes several awesome traditions which have been developed and fine-tuned year after year. One of them is the Miss InstaSpot beauty contest which gained a foothold in our corporate culture long ago.
Miss InstaSpot in no way can be defined as a conventional beauty contest where participants are evaluated entirely by their physical image. What matters in our contest are the personal traits, achievements, and aspirations of participants. Indeed, beauty is a multifaceted concept.
Plenty of attractive and gifted girls flocked to compete in the 2023 season, but only five of them notched the places on the podium. Let’s welcome our winners!
The first prize and the beauty queen title were awarded to Diana Onika from the Russian Federation. She set about trading in financial markets two years ago and has been mastering her trading skills since then. The girl is fond of learning and traveling.
The second place is given to Tetiana Pototska from Ukraine. The girl holds a degree in economics, but her dream is to make a career in the wine industry. Tatiana collects vintage wines, paintings, and minerals.
The third prize goes to Angelina Agafonova from Russia. The girl is a second-year student at the linguistics faculty. She composes poems, tries her hand in the fashion industry, volunteers, and paints tailor-made pet portraits.
Gulfiya Bessonova from Kazakhstan won the FOREX LADY nomination. Gulfiya is raising a son, is a co-founder of a company producing truffle products, and also arranges events for women.
The best in the INSTA CHOICE category was Marina Bessonova from Russia. Marina has two children, runs her own photography business, and is also interested in investing.
Congratulations to our charming winners! Those girls who want to open up and manifest their beauty are invited to take part in the next season of the contest. We will help you become the best version of yourself and inspire others!
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