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L'acteur, le champion de l'UFC et un vrai bogatyr russe! . Homme qui ne doit sa réussite qu'à lui-même. L'homme qui est sur la même route que nous suivons.
Le secret du succès de Taktarov est le progrès permanent vers la réalisation de son objectif.
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Ales Loprais embarks on a new chapter in his Dakar Rally career! The Czech driver will take the wheel of the powerful Iveco Powerstar, leaving behind his trusted Praga that has served him for the last five seasons. The changes go beyond just the truck, with new faces joining his crew.
The decision to switch trucks came in response to the rally’s evolving rules. Upgrading the Praga would have required significant time and resources, so Loprais chose to focus on ready-made solutions that would give him a chance to win. The initial tests of the new Iveco Powerstar in Africa have been successful, and InstaSpot Loprais Team is now gearing up for upcoming competitions in Saudi Arabia and across Africa.
Loprais has joined forces with experienced navigator David Křípal and Dakar 2007 champion mechanic Bernard der Kinderen. Now the newly formed crew aims to deliver top performance on the track, with Loprais also competing at the Dakar Classic Rally at the wheel of the legendary Tatra 815 4×4 HAS.
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