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The Japanese yen weakened against other major currencies in the early Asian session on Tuesday.
The yen fell to 6-day lows of 157.02 against the euro and 181.97 against the pound, from yesterday's closing quotes of 155.90 and 180.45, respectively.
Against the U.S. dollar and the Swiss franc, the yen slid to 6-day lows of 143.78 and 165.79 from Monday's closing quotes of 142.74 and 164.56, respectively.
Against Australia, the New Zealand and the Canadian dollars, the yen slipped to nearly a 2-week low of 96.61, a 1-week low of 89.50 and a 6-day low of 107.36 from yesterday's closing quotes of 95.71, 88.66 and 106.51, respectively.
If the yen extends its downtrend, it is likely to find support around 160.00 against the euro, 186.00 against the pound, 148.00 against the greenback, 169.00 against the franc, 98.00 against the aussie, 91.00 against the kiwi and 110.00 against the loonie.