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Growth remains a priority, so finding a pattern to buy for those who are not yet in position will be the basis for trading this week. It is important to understand that the NKZ 1/2 0.6800-0.6793 is the defining support. The achievement of this zone will oblige open purchases, the purpose of which will be the weekly KZ 0.6896-0.6882. It is important to understand that working in the specified range makes it possible for selling the instrument if the weekly short-circuit test is initially tested.
The long-term flat, which has been formed for two months, is the reason for the decrease in the pair's volatility. This reduces the daily course and allows you to shorten the size of the stop-loss.
For violation of the growth structure, it will be necessary to break the NKZ 1/2 and close the USsession below it. This will allow trade to begin in the direction of the New Zealand dollar's weakening. The probability of implementing this model is at 30%, which makes it auxiliary.
Daily KZ - daily control zone. The zone formed by important data from the futures market, which change several times a year.
Weekly KZ - weekly control zone. The zone formed by the important marks of the futures market, which change several times a year.
Monthly KZ - monthly control zone. The zone, which is a reflection of the average volatility over the past year.
*The market analysis posted here is meant to increase your awareness, but not to give instructions to make a trade.
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