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Oil is getting cheaper, as the growing trade battle between the United States and China outweighed the upward pressure due to an unexpected decline in US oil reserves. Brent traded at $69.72 per barrel, losing 65 cents, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) - at $61.43 per barrel, down 69 cents. Concerns about the ongoing trade dispute between the United States and China are putting pressure on the oil market. They darken the prospects for global growth and, consequently, the demand for oil. US President Donald Trump said that China will face stiff tariffs if an agreement is not reached.
On the other hand, the oil market remains constructive, as the global balance is tightened, and the potential risks from the supply side still exist. Prices received some support due to signs of a supply shortage amid a reduction in production in the OPEC+ deal. Recall that both Brent and WTI grew by more than 30 percent this year. Supplies are also tightened by US sanctions against OPEC members - Venezuela and Iran. An unexpected drop in US oil reserves also constraints the decline in prices. Barclays raised its price forecasts for Brent and WTI in the third quarter by $4 per barrel, to $74 and $67, respectively, in anticipation of tighter market conditions.
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