S-RoC indicator
S-RoC oscillator was developed by Fred G Schutzman and presented in A. Elder’s book Trading for a Living. The indicator is a refinement of RoC oscillator: S-RoC is based on the comparison of two exponential moving averages.
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S-RoC oscillator was developed by Fred G Schutzman and presented in A. Elder’s book Trading for a Living. The indicator is a refinement of RoC oscillator: S-RoC is based on the comparison of two exponential moving averages.
S-RoC = EMA(N)/EMA(N — K)*100, where
N – number of periods;
K – smoothing factor.
S-RoC is the simplest oscillator of the technical analysis. It is easy to use and good in producing logical signals that can be applied for trading price reversals. In this regard the indicator is more suitable for countertrend strategies rather than for trend-following techniques as S-RoC can form many false signals during strong directional movement.
If the S-RoC indicator accelerates, it can signify the price growth. Consequently, if it goes down, the pace of growth is easing. In case S-RoC indicator reverses, the tendency may change.
Thus, S-RoC helps to detect major tendencies on bullish and bearish markets. In that connection, S-RoC can be used to denote the direction of long-term tendencies to trade with the oscillator.
Independent signals act as follows:
MA_Period = 13
ROC_Period = 21