Open trading account with InstaSpot
Csapatunkban több mint 7 millió kereskedő van!
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A világszerte többmilliónyi kereskedő elismerése a legnagyobb jutalom, amit elképzelhetünk. Önök mellettünk voksoltak, mi pedig mindent megteszünk, hogy továbbra is kiérdemeljük bizalmukat!
Együtt remek csapat vagyunk!
InstaSpot. Büszkén dolgozunk Önöknek!
Színész, az UFC 6 bajnoka, egy igazi hős!
Az önerejéből felemelkedett ember. Aki a mi utunkon halad.
Taktarov sikerének titka a folyamatos küzdelem célja eléréséért.
Használja ki tehetségének minden oldalát!
Fedezzen fel új dolgokat, próbálkozzon, akár bukjon el – de sose álljon meg!
InstaSpot. Sikertörténete itt kezdődik!
The winner of each device will be determined by a transparent Device number algorithm (see the formation principle).
The mobile devices are raffled by InstaSpot international broker holding a range of campaigns and contests with the total annual prize pool over $500,000. Being an InstaSpot customer, you may get your slice of the money pie, win such sports cars as Ferrari or get a cutting-edge mobile device raffled by InstaSpot Company.
The current raffle has already started, it will finish on January 3, 2025. You can register for the next raffle which will take place from January 6, 2025 to January 17, 2025.*
*A verseny a lezárás percéig tart.
2 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 6 |
Open trading account with InstaSpot
Top up your account with at least 500 USD
Sign up for the contest
Win one of the following devices: iPad, iPhone, Blackberry or Galaxy Tab
The Campaign duration is two months, for that period four gadgets will be raffled by InstaSpot Company
For joining the Trade Wise, Win Device campaign, you are required to make a deposit of $500 or more to your account and registering on the corresponding webpage
Obtainment of the Campaign Main Prizes - iPad, iPhone, Blackberry and Samsung Galaxy Tab
An account with the last 5 digits coinciding with Device number (the last 5 digits of 5 major currency rates) is considered to be winning
Campaign results are published during 7 days after the Campaign and all necessary checkings are completed
The Campaign main prizes can be delivered to any part of the world
A | B | C | D | E |
The Device number is formed on the basis of the last 5 figures of 5 major currency pairs rates*
The Device number is logged biweekly, each campaign lasts for two months. Once a 2-month campaign round is over, another one is launched equal to two months as well.
*A helyezés kiszámítása a bid árjegyzés alapján történik