EUR_USD index
EUR_USDindex is a combined indicator which consists of two separate ones: EURx and USDx (USDX). This indicator shows the changes in the both indices considering their correlation.
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EUR_USDindex is a combined indicator which consists of two separate ones: EURx and USDx (USDX). This indicator shows the changes in the both indices considering their correlation.
EURx=34.38805726*EURUSD^ (0.3155)*EURGBP^ (0.3056)*EUR/JPY^ (0.1891)*EURCHF^ (0.1113)*EURSEK^ (0.0785)
USDx = 50.14348112 × EURUSD (0.576) × USDJPY (0.136) × GBPUSD (-0.119) × USDCAD (0.091) × USDSEK (0.042) × USDCHF (0.036)
Computer indicator EUR_USDindex, containing two indicators for the best performance, was designed to identify several major factors which can assist in active stock market trading.
From the practical point of view, EUR_USDindex is not a signal indicator for MetaTrader. As in the case with volatility, the index helps to define the subsidiary element.