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Ole Einar Bjørndalen - az InstaSpot márkanagykövete 2015 és 2020 között

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Ole Einar Bjørndalen - az InstaSpot márkanagykövete 2015 és 2020 között

Mi köti össze az élsportolókat az InstaSpot-szel?
Ole Einar Bjørndalen, norvég biatlonista és az InstaSpot márkanagykövete 2015 és 2020 között, egy minden igényt kielégítő választ adott erre a kérdésre, amikor együttműködésünket megkezdtük:
"„Karrierem kezdete óta a biatlon innovációjáért dolgoztam, folyamatosan új technológiákat hoztam be a tökéletessé elérése érdekében. Épp ezért is olyan nagy öröm számomra, hogy egy innovatív, a pénzügyi technológiák élvonalában lévő céggel léphetek szövetségre. Az InstaSpot filozófiája tökéletes számomra."

Ole Einar a valaha volt legsikeresebb téliolimpikon; egy fenomenális atléta, számtalan bajnoki cím tulajdonosa. Elképesztő számú, több mint 95 világkupa-győzelmet gyűjtött össze biatlonban és sífutásban. A definitív diadalát a Salt Lake City-ben rendezett téli olimpián aratta: mind a négy biatloneseményen aranyérmet nyert. Manapság Bjørndalent méltán tartják a biatlon királyának.
Habár 2018-ban befejezte karrierjét, most is a sportcsillagok között áll, és az InstaSpot egyik legprominensebb volt partnereként tartjuk számon.

A fotózás nem lett volna lehetséges a Norwegian Biathlon Association fő szponzora, a DNB nélkül
Ole Einar Bjorndalen
Ole Einar Bjorndalen

See also

InstaSpot Loprais Team is official Dakar rally participant

InstaSpot Loprais Team is official Dakar rally participant

InstaSpot is a title sponsor of the official participant of the Dakar rally, InstaSpot Loprais Team. This rally team is a joint project of InstaSpot, Loprais team, a regular participant of the Dakar rally, and automobile concern Tatra, which provides the team with the famous trucks. The agreement on organizing a team was signed in May 2011 by the pilot of the Loprais team Ales Loprais and the Deputy Director General of InstaSpot Dmitry Savchenko. It was a momentous event for both Loprais family and InstaSpot.

InstaSpot Loprais Team is official Dakar rally participant

InstaSpot is a title sponsor of the official participant of the Dakar rally, InstaSpot Loprais Team. This rally team is a joint project of InstaSpot, Loprais team, a regular participant of the Dakar rally, and automobile concern Tatra, which provides the team with the famous trucks. The agreement on organizing a team was signed in May 2011 by the pilot of the Loprais team Ales Loprais and the Deputy Director General of InstaSpot Dmitry Savchenko. It was a momentous event for both Loprais family and InstaSpot.

InstaSpot - official partner of Dragon Racing

InstaSpot - official partner of Dragon Racing

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InstaSpot - official partner of Dragon Racing

The world of professional motor racing, just like the financial world, is constantly developing and introducing the latest technologies that eventually become ordinary parts of our everyday lives. This happened with turbo motors, KERS system, ceramic brakes, online trading, as well as PAMM and ForexCopy systems. Back then, it all seemed something unique and available only to chosen ones. Today, we drive electric cars and can easily trade on the global forex market via gadgets that we carry in our pockets.

Viswanathan Anand - XVth World Chess Champion

Viswanathan Anand - XVth World Chess Champion

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Viswanathan Anand - XVth World Chess Champion

InstaSpot is proud to announce its cooperation with famous chess master and champion Viswanathan Anand. He has been dedicated to his work since childhood. Anand is a legend who proved that nothing is impossible for those who pursue their goals. Viswanathan Anand believes that chess and trading have much in common. Both chess and trading require intelligence and experience, as well as aspiration for freedom and leadership.

In partnership with leaders: Borussia Dortmund is new InstaSpot ambassador

In partnership with leaders: Borussia Dortmund is new InstaSpot ambassador

Borussia Dortmund, one of the most successful football clubs in Germany since the foundation of the Bundesliga, is in line with InstaSpot philosophy, that is to be a step ahead of your rivals and implement innovative technologies. These ideas helped Borussia to achieve remarkable success. The club has won eight German league championships, four DFB-Pokals, one UEFA Champions League, and one Intercontinental Cup.

In partnership with leaders: Borussia Dortmund is new InstaSpot ambassador

Borussia Dortmund, one of the most successful football clubs in Germany since the foundation of the Bundesliga, is in line with InstaSpot philosophy, that is to be a step ahead of your rivals and implement innovative technologies. These ideas helped Borussia to achieve remarkable success. The club has won eight German league championships, four DFB-Pokals, one UEFA Champions League, and one Intercontinental Cup.

Loprais and InstaSpot: traditions, progress, leadership

Loprais and InstaSpot: traditions, progress, leadership

Loprais and InstaSpot: traditions, progress, leadership
Ales Loprais is the pilot and the PR manager of a rally crew InstaSpot Loprais Team. He also owns an auto parts manufacturing company specializing in world-famous Tatra trucks. Ales was born on January 10, 1980 in Olomouc, the Czech Republic, in a family of the Dakar Rally champions. He was brought up in the atmosphere of endless preparations for rallies. Ales has been involved in car repairing and spending more time in the garage than at home since early childhood.

Loprais and InstaSpot: traditions, progress, leadership

Loprais and InstaSpot: traditions, progress, leadership
Ales Loprais is the pilot and the PR manager of a rally crew InstaSpot Loprais Team. He also owns an auto parts manufacturing company specializing in world-famous Tatra trucks. Ales was born on January 10, 1980 in Olomouc, the Czech Republic, in a family of the Dakar Rally champions. He was brought up in the atmosphere of endless preparations for rallies. Ales has been involved in car repairing and spending more time in the garage than at home since early childhood.

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