Azonnali számlanyitás
Trading Platform

License and regulation

Az InstaFintech Csoport 2007 óta működik a forex-iparban. Az iparág csúcsára érve és újító IT-megoldásokat bemutatva mára szilárdan megalapozta helyét. A brókercég a legmagasabb szintű minőséghez ragaszkodik, együttműködve a nemzetközi törvényekkel és az adott országok helyi szabványaival. Ennek köszönhetően az InstaSpot megbízható partnerként ismert, mely klienseinek biztonságos kereskedőkörnyezetet biztosít.

Felhasználói fiók regisztrálása
Kereskedési platform letöltése
Befizetési és pénzfelvételi módok
Kereskedés a böngészőben
Instant Trading Ltd BVI FSC által engedélyezve
(Brit Virgin-szigetek)
Engedélyszám: SIBA/L/14/1082

Az Instant Trading Ltd. felhatalmazással és működési engedéllyel rendelkezik a Securities and Investment Business Act (SIBA) alatt működő Financial Services Commission (FSC), és a Brit Virgin-szigetek részéről.

Jelenleg a Brit Virgin-szigetek (BVI) egy Brit tengerentúli terület, mely jogrendszere az Angolszász jogrendszerre épül (English common law). Mivel az üzleti szolgáltatások a Szigetek gazdaságának egyik alappillérének számítanak, a BVI támogatja a nemzetközi üzleti jelenlétet. A BVI a világ pénzügyi szolgáltatóiparának fontos résztvevője, ezért a szigeteken végzett pénzügyi szolgáltatások a független Financial Services Commission általi szabályozás alatt vannak. Az FSC teljesíti nemzetközi elkötelezettségét a nemzetközi fehérgalléros bűnözés megakadályozása érdekében, miközben megvédi a törvényes üzleti tranzakciók diszkrét jellegét.

A SIBA-szabályozás biztosítja, hogy a Brit Virgin-szigetek engedélykiadási elvei megfelelnek a nemzetközi pénzügyi ipar alapértelmezéseivel, mint például az IMF-ével (International Monetary Fund) és az IOSCO-val (Internation Organization of Securities Commissions).

2013-ban az FSC (Financial Services Commission) 31 európai ország szabályozószerveivel egyetemben elfogadott Egyetértési Megállapodást (Memorandum of Understanding), ami a befektetési alapok felügyeletének közös együttműködéssel való könnyítéséről szól. Ez az egyesség is biztosítja az FSC megbecsült világpiaci szerepét és a Brit Virgin-szigetek joghatóságának nemzetközi elismertségét.

Az Instant Trading Ltd. az FSC (SIBA alatti) szabályozásoknak megfelelően működik, kiemelten fontosként kezeli a transzparenciát ügyfelei számára, a törvénynek megfelelően, érdekeiket megvédve.

See also

Win Ferrari from InstaSpot!

World №1 broker gives its clients a unique opportunity to carry off the legendary luxury sports car! The campaign with Ferrari F8 Tributo as a main prize will be held from December 09, 2019 to December 09, 2022. Anyone who tops up their account with $1,000 or more and register for the campaign can compete for the posh car. The winner will be determined randomly with the help of Ferrari-number, so all contenders have a chance to win.

Win Ferrari from InstaSpot!

World №1 broker gives its clients a unique opportunity to carry off the legendary luxury sports car! The campaign with Ferrari F8 Tributo as a main prize will be held from December 09, 2019 to December 09, 2022. Anyone who tops up their account with $1,000 or more and register for the campaign can compete for the posh car. The winner will be determined randomly with the help of Ferrari-number, so all contenders have a chance to win.



We have created a convenient service for buying, selling, and exchanging currencies, cryptocurrencies, and other assets.

InstaSpot is a trustworthy service for a trader, miner, freelancer, and for everyone who does business on the Internet.

Familiarize yourself with a user-friendly and reliable exchanger for digital currencies and other popular assets. InstaSpot is based on the principle of P2P trading, which allows buyers and sellers to interact directly without intermediaries. At the same time, InstaSpot acts as a guarantor of the secured transaction.


We have created a convenient service for buying, selling, and exchanging currencies, cryptocurrencies, and other assets.

InstaSpot is a trustworthy service for a trader, miner, freelancer, and for everyone who does business on the Internet.

Familiarize yourself with a user-friendly and reliable exchanger for digital currencies and other popular assets. InstaSpot is based on the principle of P2P trading, which allows buyers and sellers to interact directly without intermediaries. At the same time, InstaSpot acts as a guarantor of the secured transaction.

InstaSpot - official partner of Dragon Racing

InstaSpot - official partner of Dragon Racing

The world of professional motor racing, just like the financial world, is constantly developing and introducing the latest technologies that eventually become ordinary parts of our everyday lives. This happened with turbo motors, KERS system, ceramic brakes, online trading, as well as PAMM and ForexCopy systems. Back then, it all seemed something unique and available only to chosen ones. Today, we drive electric cars and can easily trade on the global forex market via gadgets that we carry in our pockets.

InstaSpot - official partner of Dragon Racing

The world of professional motor racing, just like the financial world, is constantly developing and introducing the latest technologies that eventually become ordinary parts of our everyday lives. This happened with turbo motors, KERS system, ceramic brakes, online trading, as well as PAMM and ForexCopy systems. Back then, it all seemed something unique and available only to chosen ones. Today, we drive electric cars and can easily trade on the global forex market via gadgets that we carry in our pockets.

Social responsibility of InstaSpot

Social responsibility of InstaSpot

Panhuman moral standards and awareness of social responsibility are the way we see the work of our company. In a highly competitive market, it is important for us to comply with both business rules and universal moral code.

With every year, more and more charitable organizations and individuals have become InstaSpot partners. This page reflects our vision of social responsibility.

Social responsibility of InstaSpot

Panhuman moral standards and awareness of social responsibility are the way we see the work of our company. In a highly competitive market, it is important for us to comply with both business rules and universal moral code.

With every year, more and more charitable organizations and individuals have become InstaSpot partners. This page reflects our vision of social responsibility.

7,000,000 traders worldwide choose InstaSpot

For us, the main event of this month was the moment when the seven-millionth client joined our company! The InstaSpot family is growing, which encourages optimism and inspires us for future accomplishments.

7,000,000 traders worldwide choose InstaSpot

For us, the main event of this month was the moment when the seven-millionth client joined our company! The InstaSpot family is growing, which encourages optimism and inspires us for future accomplishments.

Viswanathan Anand - XVth World Chess Champion

Viswanathan Anand - XVth World Chess Champion

InstaSpot is proud to announce its cooperation with famous chess master and champion Viswanathan Anand. He has been dedicated to his work since childhood. Anand is a legend who proved that nothing is impossible for those who pursue their goals. Viswanathan Anand believes that chess and trading have much in common. Both chess and trading require intelligence and experience, as well as aspiration for freedom and leadership.

Viswanathan Anand - XVth World Chess Champion

InstaSpot is proud to announce its cooperation with famous chess master and champion Viswanathan Anand. He has been dedicated to his work since childhood. Anand is a legend who proved that nothing is impossible for those who pursue their goals. Viswanathan Anand believes that chess and trading have much in common. Both chess and trading require intelligence and experience, as well as aspiration for freedom and leadership.

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