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14.07.202115:04 Forex Analysis & Reviews: Bitcoin Price Analysis, 14 July

Exchange Rates 14.07.2021 analysis

BTCUSD has fallen below the $32,000 support level after another Chinese province announced that they are banning Bitcoin mining. The BTCUSD pair is likely to target the $31,000 support level while weakness persists below the $33,000 resistance level. In order for a meaningful recovery to begin the BTCUSD pair needs to start to strengthen above the $33,800 resistance level.

The BTCUSD pair is only bullish while trading above the $33,000 level, key resistance is found at the $33,800 and $34,700 levels.

If the BTCUSD pair trades below the $33,000 level, sellers may test the $31,500 and $31,000 levels.

*Analisis pasar yang diposting disini dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan Anda namun tidak untuk memberi instruksi trading.

Jan Novotny,
Analytical expert of InstaSpot
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