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24 Dec 2024 22:59
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हमारी टीम के पास 7,000,000 से अधिक ट्रेडर हैं!
प्रतिदिन हम ट्रेडिंग को बेहतर बनाने के लिए एक साथ काम करते हैं। हम उच्च परिणाम प्राप्त कर रहे हैं और आगे की ओर बढ़ रहे हैं।
दुनियाभर के लाखों लोगों द्वारा हमारे काम को पहचानना, हमारे काम की सबसे अच्छी सराहना है! आपने आपनी पसंद बनाई है और हम आपकी अपेक्षाओं को पूरा करने के लिए हर संभव प्रयास करेंगे!
हम एक साथ एक अच्छी टीम हैं!
इंस्टाफॉरेक्स को इस बात का गर्व है कि वह आपके लिए काम कर रहा है!
एक्टर, यूएफसी 6 टूर्नामेंट का विजेता और एक सच्चा हीरो!
वह आदमी, जिसने अपनी मेहनत से सब किया है। वह आदमी, जो हमारे रास्तों पर चलता है.
टैक्टारोव की सफलता का राज लक्ष्य की ओर लगातर अग्रसर रहना है।
अपनी प्रतिभा के सभी पक्षों को प्रकट करें!
खोज करें, कोशिश करें, विफल हो-लेकिन कभी न रूकें!
इंस्टाफॉरेक्स- हमारी सफलताओं की कहानी यहाँ से शुरू होती है!
#AMD is the shares of the U.S. company Advanced Micro Devices Inc. which was established in 1969 in Sunnyvale, California. The starting capital of the company was USD100 thousand. The company’s operations involve the production of microprocessors, flash memory devices, and other products for telecoms and computing units worldwide.
In 1972 the company was reorganized to a joint stock company. Thirteen years later AMD became a corporation.
Such companies as Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Acer, Fujitsu Technology Solutions, IBM are strategically important partners of AMD on the PC market. In the field of networking products, AMD cooperates with Bay Networks, Cabletron Systems and Cisco. In the area of telecoms, Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T, Ericsson, NEC, Siemens AG, Sony act as partners. The main competitors of AMD are Intel and Nvidia.
In 2013, the company’s revenue came in at USD5.3 billion. Such a high result was achieved primarily due to the release of the game consoles such as Xbox One and PlayStation 4 with processors developed by AMD. The corporation’s profit for the fourth quarter last year was USD89 million. The income increased 38% immediately and equaled to USD1.59 billion. However, the net loss amounted to about USD83 million year-on-year. Nevertheless, AMD shows a positive dynamics indicating the overcoming of difficulties which followed the company in recent years.
Currently, AMD’ stock price has strengthened due to the development and release of company’s new products.
Shares are securities representing the exclusive ownership in the company. Such a trading tool as contract for difference on shares gives the opportunity to investors to earn from quotations’ change of the company’s liquid shares while not having a stake in ownership. However, dividend adjustment is added to or debited for client’s account. Usually, it equals to the value of the dividend itself depending on positions direction based on completed contracts.
The risk is compensated by a high yield.