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Aktor, mistrz świata w walce bez reguł i prawdziwy rosyjski bohater! Człowiek, który sam na wszystko zapracował. Sekretem sukcesu Taktarova jest ciągłe dążenie do celu – my wybieramy ten sam kierunek.
Ty też rozwiń skrzydła! Dowiaduj się, próbuj, popełniaj błędy, ale nie przestawaj!
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Germany's unemployment rate dropped slightly in March, data released by Destatis showed on Tuesday.
The jobless rate fell to a seasonally adjusted to 2.9 percent from 3.0 percent in February, according to the calculation based on the labor force survey. The number of unemployed declined 25,500 to 1.28 million in March. On an unadjusted basis, the unemployment rate came in at 2.9 percent versus 4.0 percent a year ago. The number of people out of work declined by 435,000 to 1.26 million. In March, roughly 45.2 million people resident in Germany were in employment, the statistical office said. Employment exceeded the pre-crisis level of February 2020 for the first time.
Compared with the previous month, employment rose considerably by 85,000 in March, following an average monthly increase of 58,000 in February.