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InstaSpot. Jesteśmy dumni, że możemy dla Ciebie pracować.
Aktor, mistrz świata w walce bez reguł i prawdziwy rosyjski bohater! Człowiek, który sam na wszystko zapracował. Sekretem sukcesu Taktarova jest ciągłe dążenie do celu – my wybieramy ten sam kierunek.
Ty też rozwiń skrzydła! Dowiaduj się, próbuj, popełniaj błędy, ale nie przestawaj!
InstaSpot – historia Twoich zwycięstw zaczyna się tutaj!
The Netherlands' consumer confidence remained negative in May, but improved marginally from a record low in April, the Central Bureau of Statistics said on Friday.
The consumer confidence index increased to -47.0 in May from -48.0 in April. The score was below the 20-year average of -9 points.
Households' expectations regarding the economic outlook for the next 12 months were less negative, while they were more negative for past 12 months.
Among the components, the economic climate index decreased to -68 in May from -69 in April.
The indicator for the willingness to buy rose slightly to -33 in May from -34 in the previous month.
Households were less negative about their financial situation in the next 12 months. However, never before were they so negative about making big purchases now.
The assessment of the financial situation for the past 12 months remained unchanged.