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Factory Purchasing Managers' survey results and unemployment from the euro area are the top economic news due on Monday.
At 2.00 am ET, UK Nationwide house price data is due. House prices are forecast to fall 5.7 percent on a yearly basis in September, following a 5.3 percent decrease in August.
At 2.30 am ET, retail sales from Switzerland and final foreign trade from Hungary are due.
At 3.15 am ET, S&P Global publishes Spain's manufacturing Purchasing Managers' survey results. Economists forecast the PMI to remain unchanged at 46.5 in September.
At 3.45 am ET, manufacturing Purchasing Managers' survey data is due from Italy. The index is seen rising to 45.7 in September from 45.4 in August.
Final factory PMI reports are due from France and Germany at 3.50 am and 3.55 am ET, respectively.
At 4.00 am ET, S&P Global publishes Eurozone final PMI data. The initial estimate showed that the factory PMI slid to 43.4 in September from 43.5 in August.
Half an hour later, UK S&P/CIPS final manufacturing PMI report is due. The final reading is seen at 44.2 in September, in line with flash estimate, and down from 43.0 in August.
At 5.00 am ET, Eurostat is scheduled to issue euro area unemployment data for August. Economists expect the jobless rate to remain unchanged at 6.4 percent.