Trenutno otvaranje računa
Trgovačka platforma

Trguj mudro, osvoji uređaj

U okviru kampanje izvlačimo takve mobilne uređaje kao što su iPad, iPhone, Blackberry i Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Preuzmi trgovačku platformu
Načini za uplatu / povlačenje sredstava
Trgovanje u okviru internet pretraživača
Account type:
Contest frequency:
Contest period:
two weeks
Prize pool:
mobile devices

Vlasnik svakog uređaja biće određen pomoću transparentnog algoritma, koji definiše dobitnika nagrade, takozvani Broj uređaja (vidi način određivanja).

The mobile devices are raffled by InstaSpot international broker holding a range of campaigns and contests with the total annual prize pool over $500,000. Being an InstaSpot customer, you may get your slice of the money pie, win such sports cars as Ferrari or get a cutting-edge mobile device raffled by InstaSpot Company.

Trenutno je izvlačenje u toku a završiće se October 11, 2024. Možete se registrovati za sledeći korak izvlačenja koje će se održati od October 14, 2024 do October 25, 2024*.*

*Takmičenje se održava prema vremenu terminala

Broj uređaja :

5 2 2 2 3
 sekundi preostalo do sledećeg broja...
Dobitnik će biti određen na osnovu 5 gore pomenutih cifara koje se baziraju na 5 glavnih valutnih parova (pogledaj principe formiranja broja za uređaj).

How to participate

The Campaign duration is two months, for that period four gadgets will be raffled by InstaSpot Company

For joining the Trade Wise, Win Device campaign, you are required to make a deposit of $500 or more to your account and registering on the corresponding webpage

Obtainment of the Campaign Main Prizes - iPad, iPhone, Blackberry and Samsung Galaxy Tab

An account with the last 5 digits coinciding with Device number (the last 5 digits of 5 major currency rates) is considered to be winning

Campaign results are published during 7 days after the Campaign and all necessary checkings are completed

The Campaign main prizes can be delivered to any part of the world

If you have any suggestions on how to improve our contests and campaigns, you can contact us via contest-ideas@instaforex.com.

Način formiranja Broja uređaja.

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