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InstaSpot. Sa ponosom radi za Vas!
Glumac, šampion UFC turnira i pravi heroj!
Čovek koji je ostvario sebe. Čovek koji hoda uz nas.
Tajna uspeha Taktarova jeste stalno kretanje ka svom cilju.
Otkrijte sve strane svog talenta!
Istražuj, pokušaj, padni - ali se nikad ne zaustavljaj!
InstaSpot. Priča Vašeg uspeha započinje ovde!
Denmark's consumer confidence weakened to the lowest level ever recorded in May amid a steep deterioration in the assessment of the present economic situation, survey data from Statistics Denmark showed on Friday.
The consumer confidence index fell to -22.4 in May from -20.9 in April. The average for the past six months was -10.8.
The indicator reflecting the assessment on the present economic situation for Denmark dropped sharply to -37.8 from -29.1.
Households' assessment regarding the general economic situation of the country over the next year decreased to -23.2 in May -22.2 in April.
The index measuring consumers' view regarding the future personal financial situation improved to -6.1 in May from -8.4 in April.
The measure reflecting the present personal financial situation fell to -14.8 in May from -13.9 in the prior month.
Consumers were less negative towards the big purchases as the index reading rose to -30.1 from -31.0 in the previous month.
Households expect unemployment to rise over the next year.