The legend in the InstaSpot team!
Legend! You think that's bombastic rhetoric? But how should we call a man, who became the first Asian to win the junior world chess championship at 18 and who became the first Indian Grandmaster at 19? That was the start of a hard path to the World Champion title for Viswanathan Anand, the man who became a part of history of chess forever. Now one more legend in the InstaSpot team!
Borussia is one of the most titled football clubs in Germany, which has repeatedly proved to fans: the spirit of competition and leadership will certainly lead to success. Trade in the same way that sports professionals play the game: confidently and actively. Keep a "pass" from Borussia FC and be in the lead with InstaSpot!
Klijentima koji se na svoje račune loguju koristeći kompjutere u internet kafeu ili drugim nebezbednim mestima, dostupna je virtuelna tastatura, koja štiti unešene simbole od čitanja putem softvera. Različita veličina tastature – mala ili velika – daje klijentu da bira između komfora i špijuniranja unosa lozinke.