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V exkluzívnom rozhovore pre InstaSpot TV, povedal Alešov strýko Karel Loprais, šesť násobný víťaz legendárnej dakarskej rally, že jeho synovec mal sedem, keď si prvý krát sadol za volant jeho súťažného nákladného automobilu Tatra. Toto bolo momentom kde si Aleš vybral svoju životnú cestu. Aj keď jeho rodičia trvali na Alešovom štúdiu na Českej univerzite, tak sa z budúceho rally jazdca právnik nikdy nestal. Okrem rally sa Aleš zaujíma o extrémne športy. Na svojom bicykli objavoval hory, skákal s padákom a lietal na rogale. Raz sa jeho dobrodružstvo skončilo zlomeninou stavca, ale našťastie bez vážnych následkov. Už sa však musel vzdať ďalších experimentov z lietaním.

V roku 2006 mal počas rally Karel Loprais hrozivé zranenie, ktoré ukončilo jeho kariéru rally jazdca. Následne sa Aleš rozhodol kráčať v šlapajách svojho strýka a zúčastnil sa na rally Dakar 2007 ako pilot nákladného auta a dostal sa na stupienok víťazov.

V 2008 a 2009 Ales získal bronz na Central Europe Rally a Silk Way Rally.

Aleš ako jazdec InstaSpot Loprais Tímu vyhral dlho očakávanú zlatú medailu na Silk Way Rally 2011, druhej najväčšej svetovej rally súťaže, po svojom zotavení a začiatku spolupráce s InstaForexom.

Počas dakarskej rally 2012 mal Aleš veľmi blízko k celkovému víťazstvu, avšak mal hrôzostrašnú nehodu, ktorá si vyžiadal dlhotrvajúce uzdravovanie zo zranení. To isté leto, Aleš a jeho InstaSpot Loprais tím súperil s favoritom rally De Rooyom o opätovné prvé miesto na Silk Way Rally, ale nakoniec v jednej z etáp mali obidvaja technické problémy, ktoré oboch vyradili z pretekov. Tento rok bol Aleš považovaný za jedného z hlavných favoritov dakarskej rally 2013. Vyhral jednu z etáp a v ostatných skončil na prvých troch miestach. Za volantom jeho kamióna číslo 503 Aleš predvádzal, že je najrýchlejším z pomedzi všetkých účastníkov. Avšak počas jednej z etáp sa pokazil motor Tatry, takže tím stratil až dve hodiny opravami a prišiel o vedenie. Kvôli tejto nepríjemnosti tím nemohol dohnať stratený čas. Avšak podľa odborníkov a žurnalistov bol Aleš najlepším pilotom Rally Dakar 2013.

Aleš neúnavne pokračuje v súťažení s rivalmi a nikdy nepodlieha zlej nálade, pretože rally nie je pre neho práca ale hobby, je to príbeh jeho rodiny a jeho života.


Pozri taktiež

InstaSpot - official partner of Dragon Racing

InstaSpot - official partner of Dragon Racing

Svet profesionálneho motorizmu podobne ako finančný svet sa neustále vyvýja a zlepšuje poslednými technológiami každý deň. Toto sa deje aj s turbo motormi, KERS systémami, online obchodovaním takisto ako s PAMM a ForexCopy systémami. Dnes, šoferujeme elektrické autá a jednoducho vieme obchodovať na finančných trhoch.

InstaSpot - official partner of Dragon Racing

Svet profesionálneho motorizmu podobne ako finančný svet sa neustále vyvýja a zlepšuje poslednými technológiami každý deň. Toto sa deje aj s turbo motormi, KERS systémami, online obchodovaním takisto ako s PAMM a ForexCopy systémami. Dnes, šoferujeme elektrické autá a jednoducho vieme obchodovať na finančných trhoch.

InstaSpot Loprais Team – oficiálny účastník Dakar rally

InstaSpot Loprais Team – oficiálny účastník Dakar rally

InstaSpot is a title sponsor of the official participant of the Dakar rally, InstaSpot Loprais Team. This rally team is a joint project of InstaSpot, Loprais team, a regular participant of the Dakar rally, and automobile concern Tatra, which provides the team with the famous trucks. The agreement on organizing a team was signed in May 2011 by the pilot of the Loprais team Ales Loprais and the Deputy Director General of InstaSpot Dmitry Savchenko. It was a momentous event for both Loprais family and InstaSpot.

InstaSpot Loprais Team – oficiálny účastník Dakar rally

InstaSpot is a title sponsor of the official participant of the Dakar rally, InstaSpot Loprais Team. This rally team is a joint project of InstaSpot, Loprais team, a regular participant of the Dakar rally, and automobile concern Tatra, which provides the team with the famous trucks. The agreement on organizing a team was signed in May 2011 by the pilot of the Loprais team Ales Loprais and the Deputy Director General of InstaSpot Dmitry Savchenko. It was a momentous event for both Loprais family and InstaSpot.

Vladimír Moravčík - new InstaSpot Brand Ambassador

Vladimír Moravčík - new InstaSpot Brand Ambassador

In 2005 Vladimír won the Open Poland Championship, and in the same year he became the European S-1 Champion. He won his first world title in 2007 in Hong Kong. During his career, Vladimír Moravčík received 10 European and world titles from various associations. One of his recent achievements was the title of the world champion Enfusion Live 2017.

Vladimír Moravčík - new InstaSpot Brand Ambassador

In 2005 Vladimír won the Open Poland Championship, and in the same year he became the European S-1 Champion. He won his first world title in 2007 in Hong Kong. During his career, Vladimír Moravčík received 10 European and world titles from various associations. One of his recent achievements was the title of the world champion Enfusion Live 2017.

Viswanathan Anand - XVth World Chess Champion

Viswanathan Anand - XVth World Chess Champion

InstaSpot is proud to announce its cooperation with famous chess master and champion Viswanathan Anand. He has been dedicated to his work since childhood. Anand is a legend who proved that nothing is impossible for those who pursue their goals. Viswanathan Anand believes that chess and trading have much in common. Both chess and trading require intelligence and experience, as well as aspiration for freedom and leadership.

Viswanathan Anand - XVth World Chess Champion

InstaSpot is proud to announce its cooperation with famous chess master and champion Viswanathan Anand. He has been dedicated to his work since childhood. Anand is a legend who proved that nothing is impossible for those who pursue their goals. Viswanathan Anand believes that chess and trading have much in common. Both chess and trading require intelligence and experience, as well as aspiration for freedom and leadership.

In partnership with leaders: Borussia Dortmund is new InstaSpot ambassador

In partnership with leaders: Borussia Dortmund is new InstaSpot ambassador

Borussia Dortmund, one of the most successful football clubs in Germany since the foundation of the Bundesliga, is in line with InstaSpot philosophy, that is to be a step ahead of your rivals and implement innovative technologies. These ideas helped Borussia to achieve remarkable success. The club has won eight German league championships, four DFB-Pokals, one UEFA Champions League, and one Intercontinental Cup.

In partnership with leaders: Borussia Dortmund is new InstaSpot ambassador

Borussia Dortmund, one of the most successful football clubs in Germany since the foundation of the Bundesliga, is in line with InstaSpot philosophy, that is to be a step ahead of your rivals and implement innovative technologies. These ideas helped Borussia to achieve remarkable success. The club has won eight German league championships, four DFB-Pokals, one UEFA Champions League, and one Intercontinental Cup.

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