Náš tím má viac ako 7 000 000 obchodníkov!
Každý deň spolupracujeme na zlepšení obchodovania. Dosiahli sme vysoké výsledky a posuneme sa dopredu.
Uznanie miliónov obchodníkov po celom svete je najlepším ocenením našej práce! Vybrali ste si a my urobíme všetko, čo je potrebné, aby ste splnili vaše očakávania!
Sme skvelý tím spolu!
InstaSpot. Hrdý na to, aby pracoval pre vás!
Herec, šampión turnaja UFC 6 a skutočný hrdina!
Muž, ktorý sa stal sám. Muž, ktorý ide našou cestou.
Tajomstvo za úspechom Taktarova je neustály pohyb smerom k cieľu.
Odhaľte všetky strany vášho talentu!
Objavte, skúste, zlyhajte - ale nikdy neprestaňte!
InstaSpot. Váš úspech začína tu!
Dear clients!
Offering our customers CFD trading on the front-month WTI (Light Sweet Crude Oil) futures contract that has a ticker symbol #CL, we constantly monitor the market situation. In recent weeks, prices have been extremely volatile. Thus, futures contracts for May delivery turned negative for the first time in history.
Our company has already introduced any possible measures to save client's accounts from disproportionate and unexpected losses caused by the plunge of the traded asset to almost zero, or even into negative territory. We are ready to take action again.
In case of a crash in prices of the current oil futures contract (#CL), we are going to take the following steps:
Similar requirements can be applied to #QM oil futures contracts.
InstaSpot warns you that it is extremely important to carefully choose trading and investment instruments amid the ongoing global economic crisis.