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Náš multifunkčný robot je kontrolovaný a ovládaný zástupcami InstaForexu pomocou Wi-Fi pripojenia. Robot je schopný komunikovať s ľuďmi, ukazovať im filmy a obrázky, čiže tento náš robot zastupuje úlohu obchodného zástupcu a informátora. Video kamery namiesto očí a mikrofóny namiesto uší umožňujú robotovi, ktorý je iba približne 1 meter vysoký dobre sa orientovať a pohybovať v okolitom prostredí.
Počas finančných výstav na ktorých spoločnosť InstaSpot prezentuje svoje služby a možnosti ktoré ponúka, máte unikátnu príležitosť dozvedieť sa viac o robotovi a porozprávať sa s týmto technickým zázrakom - Forexovým robotom Fx Bot - ktorý Vám odpovie na každú otázku týkajúcu sa obchodovania.

InstaSpot: vždy o jeden krok v napred !


Pozri taktiež



We have created a convenient service for buying, selling, and exchanging currencies, cryptocurrencies, and other assets.

InstaSpot is a trustworthy service for a trader, miner, freelancer, and for everyone who does business on the Internet.

Familiarize yourself with a user-friendly and reliable exchanger for digital currencies and other popular assets. InstaSpot is based on the principle of P2P trading, which allows buyers and sellers to interact directly without intermediaries. At the same time, InstaSpot acts as a guarantor of the secured transaction.


We have created a convenient service for buying, selling, and exchanging currencies, cryptocurrencies, and other assets.

InstaSpot is a trustworthy service for a trader, miner, freelancer, and for everyone who does business on the Internet.

Familiarize yourself with a user-friendly and reliable exchanger for digital currencies and other popular assets. InstaSpot is based on the principle of P2P trading, which allows buyers and sellers to interact directly without intermediaries. At the same time, InstaSpot acts as a guarantor of the secured transaction.

Win Ferrari from InstaSpot!

World №1 broker gives its clients a unique opportunity to carry off the legendary luxury sports car! The campaign with Ferrari F8 Tributo as a main prize will be held from December 09, 2019 to December 09, 2022. Anyone who tops up their account with $1,000 or more and register for the campaign can compete for the posh car. The winner will be determined randomly with the help of Ferrari-number, so all contenders have a chance to win.

Win Ferrari from InstaSpot!

World №1 broker gives its clients a unique opportunity to carry off the legendary luxury sports car! The campaign with Ferrari F8 Tributo as a main prize will be held from December 09, 2019 to December 09, 2022. Anyone who tops up their account with $1,000 or more and register for the campaign can compete for the posh car. The winner will be determined randomly with the help of Ferrari-number, so all contenders have a chance to win.

InstaSpot branded products

InstaSpot branded products

InstaSpot offers to purchase various products with the company's logo at the manufacturer's prices: office stationery, accessories, clothing, and other goods.

We also present a wide range of marketing tools aimed at attracting new customers: banners, brochure templates, different training materials, special certificates, and forex informers.

InstaSpot branded products

InstaSpot offers to purchase various products with the company's logo at the manufacturer's prices: office stationery, accessories, clothing, and other goods.

We also present a wide range of marketing tools aimed at attracting new customers: banners, brochure templates, different training materials, special certificates, and forex informers.

InstaSpot: dosiahni na slnko

V lete 2012 na medzinárodnej obchodnej konferencií predstavila spoločnosť svoj aerostat s svojim oficiálnym logom. Obcjodovať s InstaSpotom je príležitosť ako dosiahnúť viac.

InstaSpot: dosiahni na slnko

V lete 2012 na medzinárodnej obchodnej konferencií predstavila spoločnosť svoj aerostat s svojim oficiálnym logom. Obcjodovať s InstaSpotom je príležitosť ako dosiahnúť viac.

7 000 000 obchodníkov na celom svete si vyberá InstaSpot

Hlavnou udalosťou tohto mesiaca pre nás bol moment, keď sa k našej spoločnosti pripojil 7-miliónty klient! InstaSpot rodina rastie, čo nás napĺňa optimizmom a inšpiruje k ďalším úspechom.

7 000 000 obchodníkov na celom svete si vyberá InstaSpot

Hlavnou udalosťou tohto mesiaca pre nás bol moment, keď sa k našej spoločnosti pripojil 7-miliónty klient! InstaSpot rodina rastie, čo nás napĺňa optimizmom a inšpiruje k ďalším úspechom.

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