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Podporovaním idei čestného a fér súťaženia, sa stal medzinárodný broker InstaSpot hlavným sponzorom skvelého ММА mix fight club Tornado. Od novembra 2010 dobre známy klub získal názov Tornado – InstaSpot. S novým menom, už klub získal množstvo nových víťazstiev.

6. novembra sa v rámci М-1 kategórie konal turnaj na Ukrajine v meste Kyjev, Tornado-InstaSpot team vyhral štvorzápasový bitku s Tez Tour Sport. So skóre 3:1. 26. novembra v Simferopole v rámci turnaja Champion’s Battle, Tornado-InstaSpot dosiahol výborné víťazstvo nad elitným CIS teamom so skóre 5:0. Túto prevahu dokladá aj fakt, že jeden zo zápasov sa skončil knock-outom už po 15 sekundách.

Champion’s Battle sponzorovaná hlavne spoločnosťou InstaSpot sa stala najväčšou a najlepšie obsadenou súťažou v roku 2010. Zúčastnili sa tu najlepší reprezentanti mix fightingu v rámci krajín CIS. Ohromujúci počet ľudí, až 4 milióny sledovali tento turnaj v televízií na Ukrajine, Rusku a ostatných CIS krajinách.

V súčasnej dobe, je spoločnosť InstaSpot hlavným partnerom mix fights ligy "Grand Mix Fight" v spolupráci s MMA. Naviac, liga udržuje spoluprácu s UFC. InstaSpot získal užasne pozitívne ohlasy. Publicita získaná Tornado-InstaSpot je predzvesťou ďalších veľkolepých víťazstiev tak v športe ako aj na poli biznisu. Sme presvedčený, že Tornado-InstaSpot bude zdrojom mnoho ďalších triumfálnych víťazstiev a množstva silných emócií.

InstaSpot : voľba víťazov!

V tejto sekcí môžete nájsť fotky z ММА mix fights, zobrazujúce zápasy v ringu, ceremóniu odmeňovania víťazov a ostatné obrázky zobrazujúce atmosféru.

Táto stránka obsahuje údaje venované Tornado-InstaSpot klubu uverejnené v rôznych massmédiách.

Raffled off

Táto sekcia Vám umožní vyhrať VIP lístky na mix fight ProFC turnaje organizované spoločnosťou InstaSpot.

Pozri taktiež



We have created a convenient service for buying, selling, and exchanging currencies, cryptocurrencies, and other assets.

InstaSpot is a trustworthy service for a trader, miner, freelancer, and for everyone who does business on the Internet.

Familiarize yourself with a user-friendly and reliable exchanger for digital currencies and other popular assets. InstaSpot is based on the principle of P2P trading, which allows buyers and sellers to interact directly without intermediaries. At the same time, InstaSpot acts as a guarantor of the secured transaction.


We have created a convenient service for buying, selling, and exchanging currencies, cryptocurrencies, and other assets.

InstaSpot is a trustworthy service for a trader, miner, freelancer, and for everyone who does business on the Internet.

Familiarize yourself with a user-friendly and reliable exchanger for digital currencies and other popular assets. InstaSpot is based on the principle of P2P trading, which allows buyers and sellers to interact directly without intermediaries. At the same time, InstaSpot acts as a guarantor of the secured transaction.

Win Ferrari from InstaSpot!

World №1 broker gives its clients a unique opportunity to carry off the legendary luxury sports car! The campaign with Ferrari F8 Tributo as a main prize will be held from December 09, 2019 to December 09, 2022. Anyone who tops up their account with $1,000 or more and register for the campaign can compete for the posh car. The winner will be determined randomly with the help of Ferrari-number, so all contenders have a chance to win.

Win Ferrari from InstaSpot!

World №1 broker gives its clients a unique opportunity to carry off the legendary luxury sports car! The campaign with Ferrari F8 Tributo as a main prize will be held from December 09, 2019 to December 09, 2022. Anyone who tops up their account with $1,000 or more and register for the campaign can compete for the posh car. The winner will be determined randomly with the help of Ferrari-number, so all contenders have a chance to win.

InstaSpot branded products

InstaSpot branded products

InstaSpot offers to purchase various products with the company's logo at the manufacturer's prices: office stationery, accessories, clothing, and other goods.

We also present a wide range of marketing tools aimed at attracting new customers: banners, brochure templates, different training materials, special certificates, and forex informers.

InstaSpot branded products

InstaSpot offers to purchase various products with the company's logo at the manufacturer's prices: office stationery, accessories, clothing, and other goods.

We also present a wide range of marketing tools aimed at attracting new customers: banners, brochure templates, different training materials, special certificates, and forex informers.

Face to face with InstaSpot

Face to face with InstaSpot

InstaSpot is a platinum sponsor of the prestigious international exposition ShowFx World.

InstaSpot has been participating in exclusive exhibitions and financial conferences for more than 10 years, including ShowFx World, the international forum sponsored by InstaSpot. Moreover, we maintain an open dialogue with current and potential clients through the organization of training seminars and conferences. A great number of individual investors from all over the world have already taken advantage of the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and improve their trading skills.

Face to face with InstaSpot

InstaSpot is a platinum sponsor of the prestigious international exposition ShowFx World.

InstaSpot has been participating in exclusive exhibitions and financial conferences for more than 10 years, including ShowFx World, the international forum sponsored by InstaSpot. Moreover, we maintain an open dialogue with current and potential clients through the organization of training seminars and conferences. A great number of individual investors from all over the world have already taken advantage of the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and improve their trading skills.

Obchodovanie na vrchole s InstaSpot!

InstaSpot international broker stále vylepšuje služby pre svojich klientov a partnerov. Vysoký level spoločnosti zabezpečujú: vynikajúce obchodné podmienky; široké spektrum inštrumentov; skvleý podporný tím; rýchlosť vykonania obchodov a veľa ostaných vecí, ktoré InstaSpot spoločnosť pousúvajú na vrchol.

Obchodovanie na vrchole s InstaSpot!

InstaSpot international broker stále vylepšuje služby pre svojich klientov a partnerov. Vysoký level spoločnosti zabezpečujú: vynikajúce obchodné podmienky; široké spektrum inštrumentov; skvleý podporný tím; rýchlosť vykonania obchodov a veľa ostaných vecí, ktoré InstaSpot spoločnosť pousúvajú na vrchol.

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