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The pair has been forming an upward trend for the past three weeks. The growth yesterday was another confirmation of the impulsive nature of growth. Any decline in the pair should be considered as an opportunity to buy the instrument. The 50% correction level becomes an interesting level for opening a long position after yesterday's growth. Compensation for half of the upward movement will allow you to enter the purchase with minimal risks.
The first growth target remains the weekly CZ 1.3202-1.3154, which was determined three weeks earlier and still remains the center of attraction for the price. After testing the specified zone, the probability of a large offer will increase, so you need to close most of the purchases after testing this zone. An important factor for continued growth will be the closing of one of the US sessions above the level of 1.3202. This will allow you to keep some of your purchases. The medium-term growth target is the opening level of last month's trading. At this point, you need to set a take profit to fix all possible purchases.
*El análisis de mercado publicado aquí tiene la finalidad de incrementar su conocimiento, más no darle instrucciones para realizar una operación.
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