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Bitcoin could potentially rise up throughout 2022, supported by significant demand and supply, possible inflation and an influx of new investors, last week's report by Bloomberg said.
According to the report, BTC's adoption worldwide could occur faster than expected. The adoption of Bitcoin could likely be unstoppable. This would push the cryptocurrency to new highs.
Bitcoin's adoption and the limited supply of BTC (18.9 million coins in circulation) are crucial bullish factors for the cryptocurrency. For investors, BTC could become a perfect hedge against soaring inflation, which threatens to sink the economies of many countries.
Being a number 1 hedge asset, demand for Bitcoin is likely to be extremely high. According to Bloomberg, the next key threshold for bitcoin in 2022 may be $100,000. Earlier, BTC surpassed $45,000. The cryptocurrency is likely to stand above other assets.
The threat of war between Russia and Ukraine, the upcoming US midterm elections and rising inflation could probably give support to Bitcoin and reflect its position as the main digital asset.
Furthermore, the US is highly unlikely to ban the crypto market, preferring to regulate it via the Federal Reserve and the Securities and Exchange Commission instead.
According to Bloomberg, the BTC could reach $100,000 in the third or fourth quarter. BTC could also be boosted in increased demand for a hedge against inflation, as well as support from crypto bulls such as Michael Saylor, Jack Dorsey, and Cathy Wood.
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